Nonlinear programming.3. proceedings special interest group on math'l. programming, sympoisum by computer sciences dept. at Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, july 11-13, 1977
Mangasarian, O.L., et al (eds)
Nonlinear programming.3. proceedings special interest group on math'l. programming, sympoisum by computer sciences dept. at Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, july 11-13, 1977 Ed by O.L. Mangasarian, et al - New York Academic Press 1978 - ix 475
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Nonlinear programming.3. proceedings special interest group on math'l. programming, sympoisum by computer sciences dept. at Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, july 11-13, 1977 Ed by O.L. Mangasarian, et al - New York Academic Press 1978 - ix 475
15.01 / MANG