Integrability of nonlinear systems proceedings of the CIMPA school, pondicherry university, india, 8-26 jan 1996
Kosmann-Schwarzbach, Y., et al (eds)
Integrability of nonlinear systems proceedings of the CIMPA school, pondicherry university, india, 8-26 jan 1996 Ed by Y. Kosmann-Schwarzbach, et al - Berlin Springer 1997 - vii 377 - Lecture notes in physics 495 .
14+12.04+10.01 / KOSM
Integrability of nonlinear systems proceedings of the CIMPA school, pondicherry university, india, 8-26 jan 1996 Ed by Y. Kosmann-Schwarzbach, et al - Berlin Springer 1997 - vii 377 - Lecture notes in physics 495 .
14+12.04+10.01 / KOSM