Nonlinear waves 1 dynamics & evolution:some contributions to the 8th All-union- school on nonlinear physics held in gorky, in march 1987
Gapanov-Grekhov, A.V., et al (ed)
Nonlinear waves 1 dynamics & evolution:some contributions to the 8th All-union- school on nonlinear physics held in gorky, in march 1987 Ed by A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov, et al - Berlin Springer 1989 - xii 238 - Research reports in physics .
14.03 / GAPO
Nonlinear waves 1 dynamics & evolution:some contributions to the 8th All-union- school on nonlinear physics held in gorky, in march 1987 Ed by A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov, et al - Berlin Springer 1989 - xii 238 - Research reports in physics .
14.03 / GAPO