Your search returned 2556 results.

Singularities d'applications differentiables seminaire, plans-sur-bex 1975 Ed by O. Burlet & F. Ronga

by Burlet, O & Ronga, F (eds) | Ronga, F.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 535Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1976Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 22 BURL.

Measure theory proceedings of the conference held at oberwolfach, 15-21 june, 1975 Ed by A. Bellow & D. Kolzow

by Bellow, A & Kolzow, D (eds) | Kolzow, D.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 541Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1976Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 4.06+22 BELL.

Measures on topological semigroups convolution products & random walks A. Mukherjea & N.A. Tserpes

by Mukherjea, A & Tserpes, N.A | Tserpes, N.A.

Series: Lecutre notes in mathematics 547Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1976Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 4.06+22 MUKH.

Nonlinear operators & the calculus of variations summer school held in bruxelles 8-19 Sept 1975 Ed by J.P. Gossez, et al

by Gossez, J.P., et al (eds) | Lami Dozo, E.J | Mawhin, J | Waelbroeck, L.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 543Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1976Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 4.13+22 GOSS.

Proceedings of the third japan-USSR symposium on probability theory Ed by G. Maruyama & J.V. Prokhorov

by Maruyama, G & Prokhorov, J.V (eds) | Prokhorov, J.V.

Series: Lecutre notes in mathematics 550Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1976Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 16.08+22 MARU.

Topological stability of smooth mappings C.G. Gibson, et al

by Gibson, C.G., et al | du Plessis, A.A | Looijenga, E.J.N | Wirthmuller, K.

Series: Lecutre notes in mathematics 552Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1976Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 8.06+22 GIBS.

Le mouvement brownian relativiste J.-P. Caubet

by Caubet, J.-P.

Series: Lecutre notes in mathematics 559Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1976Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 16.03+22 CAUB.

Seminaire de theorie du potentiel, paris, no.2 F. Hirsch & G. Mokobodzki

by Hirsch, F & Mokobodzki, G | Mokobodzki, G.

Series: Lecutre notes in mathematics 563Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1976Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 4.10+22 HIRS.

Ordinary & partial differential equations proceedings of the 4th conference held at Dundee,Scotland, March 30-April 2,1976 Ed by W.N. Everitt & B.D. Sleeman

by Everitt, W.N & Sleeman, B.D (eds) | Sleeman, B.D.

Series: Lecutre notes in mathematics 564Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1976Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 10.01+10.02+22 EVER.

Turbulence & navier stokes equations proceedings of the conference held at the university of Paris-Sud, Orsay,June 12-13,1975 Ed by R. Temam

by Temam, R (ed).

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 565Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1976Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 14.03 22 TEMA.

Sparse matrix techniques advanced course held at the technical university of Denmark, Copenhagen, August 9-12,1976 Ed by V.A. Barker

by Barker, V.A (ed).

Series: Lecutre notes in mathematics 572Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1977Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 11.14 22 BARK.

Seminaire de probabilites XI universite de strasbourg Ed by C. Dellacherie, et al

by Dellacherie, C., et al (eds) | Meyer, P.A | Weil, M.

Series: Lecutre notes in mathematics 581Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1977Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 16.08+22 DELL.

Invariant manifolds M.W. Hirsch, et al

by Hirsch, M.W., et al | Pugh, C.C | Shub, M.

Series: Lecutre notes in mathematics 583Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1977Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 8.06+22 HIRS.

Ordinary differential equations in banach spaces K. Deimling

by Deimling, K.

Series: Lecutre notes in mathematics 596Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1977Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 10.01 DEIM.

Mathematical aspects of finite element methods proceedings of the conference held in rome, dec 10-12, 1975 Ed by I. Galligani & E. Magenes

by Galligani, I & Magenes, E (eds) | Magenes, E.

Series: Lecutre notes in mathematics 606Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1977Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 11.03+22 GALL.

Order & potential resolvent families of kernels A. Cornea & G. Licea

by Cornea, A & Licea, G | Licea, G.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 494Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1975Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 4.10+22 CORN.

Spline functions proceedings of an international symposium held at karlsruhe, germany, may 20-23, 1975 Ed by K. Bohmer, et al

by Bohmer, K., et al (eds) | Meinardus, G | Schempp, W.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 501Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1976Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 11.09+22 BOHM.

Numerical analysis proceedings of the Dundee conference 1975 Ed by G.A. Watson

by Watson, G.A (ed).

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 506Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1976Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 11.01 22 WATS.

Singularites c(infinity) en presence de symetrie, en particulier en presence de la symetrie d'un groupe de lie compact V. Poenaru

by Poenaru, V.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 510Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1976Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 8.06+22 POEN.

Seminaire de probabilites X universite de strasbourg Ed by P.A. Meyer

by Meyer, P.A (ed).

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 511Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1976Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 16.08 22 MEYE.


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