Your search returned 2556 results.

Theorie des hyperfonctions P. Schapira

by Schapira, P.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 126Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1970Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 4.15+22 SCHA.

Lectures in modern analysis & applications II J. Glimm, et al

by Glimm, J., et al | Gross, L | Harish-Chandra | Kadison, R.V | Ruelle, D | Segal, I.E.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 140Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1970Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 4.02+22 GLIM.

Several complex variables I, maryl & 1970 proceedings of the international mathematical conference held at college park, april 6-17, 1970 Ed by J. Horvath

by Horvath, J (ed).

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 155Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1970Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 4.08+22 HORV.

Symposium on the theory of numerical analysis held in dundee, scotl &, sept.15-23, 1970 Ed by J.L.l.Morris

by Morris, J.L.l (ed).

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 193Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1971Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 11.01+22 MORR.

Topological vector spaces & algebras L. Waelbroeck

by Waelbroeck, L.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 230Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1971Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 5.02 22 WAEL.

Selection theorems & their applications T. Parthasarathy

by Parthasarathy, T.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 263Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1972Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 4.06+22 PART.

Positive definite kernels, continuous tensor product & central limit theorems of probability theory K.R. Parthasarathy & K. Schmidt

by Parthasarathy, K.R & Schmidt, K | Schmidt, K.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 272Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1972Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 16.02+22 PART.

Introduction to perturbation methods M.H. Holmes

by Holmes, M.H.

Series: Texts in applied mathematics 20Material type: Text Text Publication details: New York Springer 1995Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 4.04 HOLM.

Lectures on algebraic & differential topology R. Bott, et al

by Bott, R., et al.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 279Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1972Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 7.02+7.04+22 BOTT.

Martingales & stochastic integrals I P-A. Meyer

by Meyer, P-A.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 284Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1972Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 16.03+22 MEYE.

Proceedings of the second conference on compact transformation groups, university of massachusetts, amherst, 1971, Part 1 Ed by H.T. Ku, et al

by Ku, H.T., et al (eds) | Mann, L.N | Sicks, J.L | Su, J.C.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 298Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1972Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 9.01+22 KU.

Spectral properties of hamiltonian operators K. Jorgens & J. Weidmann

by Jorgens, K & Weidmann, J | Weidmann, J.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 313Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1973Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 12.05 22 JORG.

New trends in systems analysis international symposium versailles, dec 13-17, 1976 Ed by A. Bensoussan & J.L. Lions

by Bensoussan, A & Lions, J.L (eds) | Lions, J.L.

Series: Lecture notes in control & information science 2Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1977Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 15.04 BENS.

Singular optimal control linear quadratic problem D.J. Clements & B.D.O. Anderson

by Clements, D.J & Anderson, B.D.O | Anderson, B.D.O.

Series: Lecture notes in control & information science 5Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1978Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 15.04 CLEM.

Optimization techniques proceedings of the 8th IFIP conference Wurzburg, September 5-9, 1977. Part 1 Ed by J. Stoer

by Stoer, J (ed).

Series: Lecture notes in control & information science 6Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1978Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 15.01 16.08 STOE.

Optimization techniques proceedings of the 8th IFIP conference Wurzburg, September 5-9, 1977. Part 2. Ed by J. Stoer

by Stoer, J (ed).

Series: Lecture notes in control & information science 7Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1978Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 15.01 16.08 STOE.

Infinite dimensional linear systems theory R.F. Curtain & A.J. Pritchard

by Curtain, R.F & Pritchard, A.J | Pritchard, A.J.

Series: Lecture notes in control & information science 8Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1978Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 15.04 CURT.

Stochastic control theory & stochastic differential systems proceedings bad honnef, jan 1979 Ed by M. Kohlmann & W. Vogel

by Kohlmann, M & Vogel, W(eds) | Vogel, W.

Series: Lecture notes in control & information science 16Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1979Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 16.06+16.08 KOHL.

Optimization techniques proceedings of the 9th IFIP conference warsaw, Sept 4-8, 1979, Part 2 Ed by K. Iracki, et al

by Iracki, K., et al (eds) | Malanowski, K | Walukiewicz, S.

Series: Lecture notes in control & information science 22Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1980Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 15.01+16.08 IRAC.

Optimization techniques proceedings of the 9th IFIP conference warsaw, sept 4-8, 1979, part 2 Ed by K. Iracki, et al

by Iracki, K., et al (eds) | Malanowski, K | Walukiewicz, S.

Series: Lecture notes in control & information science 23Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berllin Springer 1980Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 15.01+16.08 IRAC.


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