Your search returned 2556 results.

Well-posed optimization problems A.L. Dontchev & T. Zolezzi

by Dontchev, A.L & Zolezzi, T | Zolezzi, T.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 1543Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1993Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (2)Location, call number: SERIES 15.01+15.04+4.13+22 DONT, ...

Iterative approximation of fixed points V. Berinde

by Berinde, V.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 1912Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 2007Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 6.02+5.08 BERI.

Introduction to the mathematics of finance from risk management to options pricing S. Roman

by Roman, S.

Series: Undergraduate texts in mathematicsMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: New York Springer 2004Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 14.12 ROMA.

Introduction to partial differential equations computational approach A. Tveito & R. Winther

by Tveito, A & Winther, R | Winther, R.

Series: Texts in applied mathematics 29Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 2005Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 10.02 TVEI.

Number theory H. Hasse

by Hasse, H.

Series: Classics in mathematicsMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 2002Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 3.01 HASS.

Pseudodifferential operators M. Taylor

by Taylor, M.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 416Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1974Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: 10.07 TAYL.

Parallel coordinates visual multidimensional geometry & its applications A. Inselberg

by Inselberg, A.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: New York Springer 2009Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: 8.02 INSE.

Modeling dynamic climate systems W.A. Robinson

by Robinson, W.A.

Series: Modeling dynamic systemsMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: New york Springer 2001Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: 14.05+14.07 ROBI.

Theory of sobolev multipliers with applications to differential & integral operators V.G. Maz'ya & T.O. Shaposhnikova,

by Maz'ya, V.G & Shaposhnikova, T.O | Shaposhnikova, T.O.

Series: Grundlehren der mathematischen wissenschaften | series of comprehensive studies in mathematics 337Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 2009Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 5.03+5.04 MAZY.

Inverse problems lectures given at CIME session, montecatini terme, Italy, may 28-june 5, 1986 Ed by G. Talenti

by Talenti, G (ed).

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 1225Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1986Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 10.02 22 TALE.

Multivariable analysis S. Shirali & H.L. Vasudeva

by Shirali, S & Vasudeva, H.L | Vasudeva, H.L.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: London Springer 2011Availability: Not available: TIFR CAM Library: Checked out (1).

Mathematical modeling S. Heinz

by Heinz, S.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 2011Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: 14.05 HEIN.

Mathematical linguistics A. Kornai

by Kornai, A.

Series: Advanced information & knowledge processingMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: London Springer 2008Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: 18+16.07 KORN.

Rigidity in dynamics & geometry Ed by M. Burger & A. Lozzi

by Burger, M & Lozzi, A (eds) | Lozzi, A.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 2002Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: 12.03+8.05 BURG.

Linear programming & its applications H.A. Eiselt & C-L. Sandblom

by Eiselt, H.A & Sandblom, C-L | Sandblom, C-L.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 2007Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: 15.02 EISE.

Introduction to numerical analysis J. Stoer & R. Bulirsch

by Stoer, J & Bulirsch, R | Bulirsch, R.

Series: Texts in applied mathematics 12Edition: 3Material type: Text Text Publication details: New York Springer 2002Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 11.01+11.06+11.14 STOE.

Stable mappings & their singularities M. Golubitsky & V. Guillemin

by Golubitsky, M & Guillemin, V | Guillemin, V.

Series: Graduate texts in mathematics 14Material type: Text Text Publication details: New York Springer 1973Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 8.06 GOLU.

Scaling limits in statistical mechanics & microstructures in continuum mechanics E. Presutti

by Presutti, E.

Series: Theoretical & mathematical physicsMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 2009Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: 13.05+14.01 PRES.

Topology II Ed by S.P. Novikov & V.A. Rokhlin

by Novikov, S.P & Rokhlin, V.A (eds) | Rokhlin, V.A.

Series: Encyclopaedia of mathematical sciences 24Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 2004Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 7.01 NOVI.

Lecture notes on elementary topology & geometry I.M. Singer & J.A. Thorpe

by Singer, I.M & Thorpe, J.A | Thorpe, J.A.

Series: Undergraduate texts in mathematicsMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: New York Springer 1967Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (3)Location, call number: SERIES 7.01+8.01 SING, ...


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