Your search returned 2556 results.

Geometrical methods of nonlinear analysis M.A. Krasnosel'skii & P.P. Zabreiko

by Krasnosel'skii, M.A & Zabreiko, P.P | Zabreiko, P.P.

Series: Grundlehren der mathematischen wissenschaften 263Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1984Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 6.01 KRAS.

Geometrical picture book B. Polster

by Polster, B.

Series: UniversitextMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1998Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 8.01+8.02 POLS.

Geometrical study of the elementary catastrophes A.E.R. Woodcock & T. Poston

by Woodcock, A.E.R & Poston, T | Poston, T.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 373Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1974Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 6.07+22 WOOD.

Geometries & groups V.V. Nikulin & I.R. Shafarevich

by Nikulin, V.V & Shafarevich, I.R | Shafarevich, I.R.

Series: UniversitextMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1994Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 8.05 NIKU.

Geometry Euclid & beyond R. Hartshorne

by Hartshorne, R.

Series: UTMMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: New York Springer 2000Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 8.04 HART.

Geometry & analysis papers dedicated to the memory of V.K. Patodi Indian Academy of Sciences

by Indian Academy of Sciences | T.I.F.R. Bombay.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1981Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: 8.04+8.05 INDI.

Geometry I M. Berger

by Berger, M.

Series: UniversitextMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1987Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 8.01+8.02.

Geometry I basic ideas & concepts of differential geometry Ed by R.V. Gamkrelidze

by Gamkrelidze, R.V (ed).

Series: Encyclopaedia of mathematical sciences 28Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1991Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 8.01 GAMK.

Geometry II M. Berger

by Berger, M.

Series: UniversitextMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1987Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 8.01+8.02 BERG.

Geometry II spaces of constant curvature E.B. Vinberg

by Vinberg, E.B.

Series: Encyclopaedia of mathematical sciences 29Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1993Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 8.05+9.02 VINB.

Geometry IV non-regular riemannian geometry Ed by Yu.G. Reshetnyak

by Reshetnyak, Yu.G (ed).

Series: Encyclopaedia of mathematical sciences 70Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1993Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 8.05+8.06 RESH.

Geometry, mechanics & dynamics volume in honor of 60th birthday of J.E. Marsden Ed by P. Newton, et al

by Newton, P., et al | Holmes, P | Weinstein, A.

Material type: Text Text Publication details: New York Springer 2002Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: 8.01+13.02+12.07 NEWT.

Geometry of banach spaces- selected topics J. Diestel

by Diestel, J.

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 485Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1975Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 5.02+22 DIES.

Geometry of biological time A.T. Winfree

by Winfree, A.T.

Series: Interdisciplinary applied mathematics 12Edition: 2Material type: Text Text Publication details: New York Springer 2001Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 14.06 WINF.

Geometry of cuts & metrics M.M. Deza & M. Laurent

by Deza, M.M & Laurent, M | Laurent , M.

Series: Algorithms & Combinatorics 15Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1997Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: 8.04 DEZA.

Geometry of discrete groups A.F. Beardon

by Beardon, A.F.

Series: Graduate texts in mathematics 91Material type: Text Text Publication details: New York Springer 1983Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 8.06+2.04 BEAR.

Geometry of hamiltonian systems proceedings of a workshop held at mathematical sciences research institute from june 5-16, 1989 Ed by T. Ratiu

by Ratiu, T (ed).

Series: Mathematical sciences research institute publications 22Material type: Text Text Publication details: New York Springer 1991Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: 12.05+10.01 RATI.

Geometry of infinite-dimensional groups B. Khesin & R. Wendt

by Khesin, B & Wendt, R | Wendt, R.

Series: ergebnisse der mathematik und ihrer grenzgebiete 3. folge 51 | Series of modern surveys in mathematics 51Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 2009Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1).

Geometry of metric & linear spaces proceedings of a conference held at michigan state university east lansing, june 17-19, 1974 Ed by L.M. Kelly

by Kelly, L.M (ed).

Series: Lecture notes in mathematics 490Material type: Text Text Publication details: Berlin Springer 1975Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 5.01+22 KELL.

Geometry of surfaces J. Stillwell

by Stillwell, J.

Series: UniversitextMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: New York Springer 1992Availability: Items available for loan: TIFR CAM Library (1)Location, call number: SERIES 8.06 STIL.


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